Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov! It’s your special day.

Your wedding day is here!

A Jewish wedding is considered the greatest celebration in the Jewish community. It is the grand send-off for the rest of your life. A very special day not just for you, but for the entire Jewish people. It is your personal Yom Kippur - when the bride and groom’s sins are completely forgiven and you stand under the Chuppah with a completely new slate. The grand reunion of two best friends who haven’t been together since their souls were separated in heaven. The day your two half-souls reunite as one whole. The day the third part of your soul ‘enters’ your body completes you as a person.

We want to help. Whether it be officiating the wedding, learning what it means to be married, or anything else. It is the greatest privilege to be able to be part of your holy day. Count us in!

May you build an everlasting home filled with eternal light and happiness.

Yosef & Devora Wilhelm,
Directors of Chabad Young Professionals UES


Rabbi Yosef Wilhelm 347.451.4375
Devora Wilhelm 347.451.5420