
“Our Sages tell us that one who takes concern in marrying off orphans is credited with giving tzedakah every day of his or her life…” —Ketubot 50A

One of the most important traditions for the wedding is to give charity. Back in the day, every Jewish wedding had a special table set up for the poor people of the town to enjoy a decent, hot meal. Below are some options of marriage-related charities you can give to. We encourage you to set up the donation at some point before your wedding with the intention of it being in honor of the wedding itself.

In addition to giving a more substantial amount, on the day of your wedding, have a Tzedakah box handy where you and your wedding party can put coins inside, in order to actually give charity on the day of.

An Israel Wedding

Help pay for the wedding of a couple in Israel that could not otherwise afford it. A project of Colel Chabad.

An Orphan’s Wedding

Help orphans in Israel with a solid start in life and all the costs associated with marriage. A project of Colel Chabad.

A Beautiful Beginning

Ten Yad helps brides set up their dream home with household necessities plus personal wedding needs.

Your Local Mikvah

The life pulse of a Jewish community is its Mikvah. Help support your community’s Mikvah so it can maintain both its physical and spiritual beauty. Below is the link to the Upper East Side Mikvah.

A Local NY Wedding

KSCVK makes sure every couple in the Crown Heights community has a respectable wedding, regardless of their means. Basic things like live music, proper catering, and flowers are completely provided for.


Sponsor a wedding of a poor bride and groom getting married on the same day as your own wedding. A project of B’ezri.